Wednesday, July 15, 2009

John Bryant at the Governor's Institute for Financial Education

Operation Hope is a most appropriate name for an initiative that helps disenfranchised people make investments in their own futures. Tonight, John Bryant, an entrepreneur from Los Angeles, California, spoke to a hundred Pennsylvanian teachers, who are spending a week at Elizabethtown College being inundated by dozens of top quality financial education programs that are designed to prod students into success. The teachers were enthralled with his message urging them to be foot soldiers in the fight to restore financial well-being in the midst of the global "reset" of the economy. He said that Americans must have the courage to work hard. He spoke about the economic downturn being a global crisis. The speech was inspirational, superbly crafted to appeal to teachers' desire to be part of the solution, not the problem. The timing was perfect; our action plans are due tomorrow. I'm just wondering... Where was the word "ENERGY"??????? Why was the word "ENVIRONMENT" mentioned only once???? Aren't energy, environment and economy all words that must always be used together? Have those other two topics faded so quickly, just because we are no longer paying higher prices at the pump? Are we really all about the "language of money?" Is a less materialistic life at all possible for us?

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